

Megan Hughes

11 May 18

Head Ski Boots Liquid Fit Customisation System

Megan Hughes

11 May 18

We caught up with the guys from Head at the 2018 SIGB Ski Test to find out more about their new ski boots Liquid Fit customisation system, which looks set to be very popular new innovation for the 2018/19 season.

The Liquid Fit customisation is done by injecting a yellow ‘custard’-type liquid into the inner of the ski boot through a small tube, which is, of course, removable. When your foot is within the boot, this liquid is pushed to the areas where you might need that little extra support, giving you the best fit and the highest levels of comfort in your boots.

You may not need this customisation; if your ski boots fit perfectly anyway then there’s no need to mess with that. However, for people who feel that their boots are just missing that ‘perfect’ fit, find them slightly uncomfortable or simply think that they could fit a bit better, Head’s Liquid Fit system may do just the trick.

The system is relatively simple to use and many ski shops will have access to Liquid Fit for the 2018/19 season. It can be used with the Head Kore, Nexo and Vector ranges of Boots.