photo of Erna and friends 1940s 0



Patrick Thorne

25 Jun 19

Erna Low “Oldest Ski Travel Company in Europe” Sold

Patrick Thorne

25 Jun 19

What is believed to be the oldest surviving ski travel company in Europe has been sold.

Erna Low Travel was founded in 1932 by Miss Erna Low (pictured above skiing with friends in the 1940s), pioneer of the British ski holiday and creator of the British ski chalet party.

Erna Low “Oldest Ski Travel Company in Europe” Sold

More than eight decades on the business has been sold to NUCO Travel, a university snowsports specialist, for an undisclosed sum.

Joanna Yellowlees-Bound who has been at the helm of Erna Low Travel for 37 years, since before Miss Low herself retired, will retire from the company, although she will remain as owner and CEO of the separate Erna Low Property.

“Just as Erna favoured me to take over her life’s work, I am now delighted to pass on the mantle to the next generation, and who better than an innovative and thriving ski company such as NUCO Travel, which I have known since its inception and where I am a minority shareholder,” said Joanna Yellowlees-Bound, adding,

“With Erna Low Travel Managing Director Jane Bolton ensuring our values remain a priority, I know the company will continue to blossom as part of the NUCO family.”

Founded in 2012 NUCO Travel has carried over 130,000 of the next generation of winter sports enthusiasts to the mountains in its first seven years.

“I am excited to bring Erna Low which is such a respected family brand, with their experienced and talented team, into the NUCO family,” said NUCO Managing Director, Danny Nugent, who added, “I know both companies will benefit from working together and look forward to ensuring even more snowsports enthusiasts enjoy the very best holidays with us.”

A biography of Miss Low, ‘Aiming High’ was written by the renowned ski writer Mark Frary in 2012.

 Erna Low “Oldest Ski Travel Company in Europe” Sold