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Debbie Gabriel

21 Mar 16

Learning Through Fun – Make Learning To Ski Fun!

Debbie Gabriel

21 Mar 16

Learning through fun allows us all to enjoy learning that little bit more and keeps us interested for longer. Of course what is fun for an adult and what is fun for a child are utterly different things. For many adults learning a new skill or improving at a sport is fun in it’s own right.

However for kids, with lower attention spans and a need for more stimulating activities, skiing alone may not be enough to keep them entertained. So what can we do to make skiing fun for kids and help them learn and improve faster while enjoying themselves.

First, before we can even begin learning through fun, your kids must be safe and feel safe. Kids or adults who are scared or too far out of their comfort zone will be so focused on just getting down a slope that they aren’t going to learn or enjoy anything. Make sure when you’re skiing with your children that it is on terrain which is suitable for their level; ensure you kids are warm and dry; take regular hot chocolate or food breaks and perhaps even avoid bad weather days altogether.

Learning Through Fun – Make Learning To Ski Fun!

Next, think goofy! When instructing we constantly think of ways to make any exercises more engaging for the kids. Just adding a theme and linking movements to that theme can turn a standard drill into a little adventure. A great example is getting the kids to suggest a bunch of animals, then together we think up actions on skis that could represent these animals (short turns for snakes, jumps for kangaroos etc.) and now descend the run while shouting out animals and making noises. Without even knowing it the kids are now training a whole bunch of skills such as agility, adaptability, balance etc. Try it out – you’ll be amazed at how much you enjoy it too!

Lastly, if you are putting your kids into ski school looking for one which provides fun as a means to learning is a good idea. Ask friends, search the internet and speak to staff in resort to find a ski school which will provide the fun experience that will get the most out of your kids time. Good luck and have fun!



