Nikki Lauren Square Edit 2



Patrick Thorne

24 Mar 21

New Ski Travel Company Eyes Post Pandemic Boom

Patrick Thorne

24 Mar 21

Two British women based in the French Alps have set up a new ski travel company and report business is already taking off as ski industry sales for next winter are widely reported to be booming.

With 29 years between them in the French Alps, Peak-Feeling‘s founders Nikki White and Lauren Spring are local specialists of Tignes and Val d’Isère.

Watching as the ‘perfect storm’ of COVID-19 and Brexit ripped through their home resort of Tignes, Lauren and Nikki saw the ski industry they had been part of for decades come to a halt. Tour operators no longer had rights; British tourists couldn’t travel due to border restrictions; bars and restaurants in the area were forced to close; and the usual atmosphere of the winter resort was reduced to a ‘no man’s land’.

New Ski Travel Company Eyes Post Pandemic Boom

Selling direct to the British market, but as a French Travel Agent, Peak Feeling seeks to circumvent many of the negative issues created for travel and tourism by Brexit.

Lauren, who had run a hotel during the previous 5 winters for a popular tour operator, played on the idea of future proofing ski holidays for British skiers. What if, she said, holidaymakers could use the same hassle free all-inclusive service traditionally offered by tour operators, but with a tailor-made package for each client?

So Peak Feeling Ski was born, offering a free service to anyone booking a ski holiday.

Insider knowledge is key for the pair, who provide bespoke deals for British holidaymakers through their extensive network of local contacts. The women use their contacts on the ground to find the best deals for every element of the traditional package holiday.

“The UK ski holiday market’s typical formula has worked seamlessly for generations, owing to the UK being part of the European Union, with a handful of tour operators using seasonal staff to execute package deals, they would include anything and everything from flights, accommodation, transfers, childcare, ski lessons, rental equipment and more,” said Lauren, adding, “With challenges to run British businesses in France post Brexit, plus Covid complications to navigate, 2021 has already seen companies struggle. Some operators went into administration, and it is expected that more will follow. Peak Feeling has turned that model on its head and re-launched a ski holiday company fit for 2021 and beyond”.