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Megan Hughes

04 Nov 20

Going Virtual Leads Warren Smith Ski Academy Tour to Record Success

Megan Hughes

04 Nov 20

This autumn’s virtual edition of the Warren Smith Ski Academy Tour saw increased audience and brought participation levels to record numbers, showing that skiers still have the ability to improve their skiing – without needing to be on the snow!

In these strange times, developing restrictions meant that the Warren Smith Ski Academy (WSSA) had to adapt the tour in order to reach as many skiers as possible. With limited numbers allowed into the tour’s traditional venues, the WSSA turned to Facebook.

Warren Smith himself, who had recently returned from Switzerland and followed the mandatory 14 day quarantine, presented each edition of the tour around the country.

The first event, at the Altimus Outdoor store in London’s Kensington High Street, was filmed in full, with the remaining 9 events posted with images and video clips on the Warren Smith Ski Academy Facebook page.

Interestingly, some of the engagement and viewing levels of the tour on social media broke all other previous records, with over 17,000 views on some of the individual venue Facebook posts.

Warren Smith, said: “We’ve just wrapped up our ski tech lab tour for 2020, and we’re super happy with it. There’s even a few positive things around the way we had to adapt the tour with the new rules. The big thing I want to say is a massive thanks to all the venues for their commitment to the tour, giving us the space to meet enthusiastic skiers and to go through the process of working through the bio mechanic tests.

“People have also already made changes biomechanically – fixing themselves at home, this is what we are always trying to get across. With these exercises, people are going to get the chance to work on their ski technique now at home, so we have timed it just right. Even if people haven’t managed to get to the tour they can still access it online and train towards the winter season. I also want to say a massive thanks to InTheSnow magazine, Dom, Megan, Henry and all the team there for getting behind this from a media point of view, so InTheSnow Magazine, massive respect to you guys”.
