

Patrick Thorne

06 Sep 23

800 Helped Into Snow Sports

Patrick Thorne

06 Sep 23

Snow Camp, a charity which enables young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to gain confidence, develop resilience, and acquire valuable life skills through snow sports and the snow sports business, has helped 800 children and young adults from deprived areas across the UK through the past year.

The charity offers a structured program that combines snow sports training, mentoring, and vocational qualifications, with the aim of providing participants with a solid foundation for future success.

According to the young people the charity has benefitted, 80% said their confidence and self-belief had increased since joining Snow Camp and 95% said they had a better understanding of well-being after gaining the skills to look after their own mental health.

Participants included Danni, 22, from Vauxhall who carried out a work placement for Maison Sport, a ski instructor booking platform established ex-British ski team members which also contributes to Snow Camp’s costs. Dani, pictured, worked at the company’s offices in Shoreditch in London.

“Working at Maison Sport’s office opened doors for me that aren’t normally available and introduced me to the business side of winter sports. It taught me the importance of teamwork and creativity and introduced me to office culture which has given me the drive to secure a job in this industry when I finish my apprenticeship at Snow Camp,” said Dani.

The 800 children and young adults helped by Snow Camp collected 987 qualifications between them and benefitted from 1,264 volunteer hours delivered by Snow Camp’s youth instructors. 61% of all young people helped by Snow Camp live in the 30% most deprived post codes in the UK, showing the charity’s vital role in driving opportunities on the slopes.

Dan Keeley, Community and Partnerships Manager at Snow Camp said:

“Throughout our charity partnership, the team at Maison Sport has consistently shared their passion for snow sports and inclusivity; raising significant funds to impact as many Snow Camp young people as possible in our 20th year whilst also creating positive vocational opportunities for our Snow Camp London Apprentices. Since day one, the partnership just keeps getting stronger, with much more to come in 23/24.”

800 Helped Into Snow Sports


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