Saas Fee1



Patrick Thorne

21 Nov 15

Snow Depths Begins to Build In The Alps

Patrick Thorne

21 Nov 15

After 24 hours of snowfall the huge snow storm moving across the Alps is beginning to deposit some serious volumes of the white stuff, as forecast.

Few resorts have put out measurements so far but many are posting deep snow images.

Saas Fee (pictured above this afternoon) reports it has had a metre (40 inches) at the top of the mountain, 60cm (two feet) on lower slopes so far.

Tignes, which has been the only French resoret open for most of the past two months, reports big accumulations, however iots glacier is closed today, part;ly due to the snow but also 150km/h winds currently blowing up there.

Many resorts are saying the snow will mean a great start top the season in the next few days andf weeks.

British travel agents and tour operators are also reporting a big surge in business in the past 72 hours as news of the snowfall’s imminent arrival, then actual arrival, spread.

“Bookings saw a big upturn as soon as the forecasts of snowfall in the Alps started to percolate through social media,” said Richard  Sinclair of, “Then when the snow started it went off the charts and we booked close to 5x normal daily booking for November, just on Friday.”